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Archaeoastronomy in Pre-Columbian America (Editor) 1975. Austin, University of Texas Press.

Native American Astronomy (Editor) 1977. Austin, University of Texas Press, (Spanish Translation: 1980, Astronomia en la America Antigua (Siglo XXI, Mexico City).

Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico, 1980. Austin, University of Texas Press. Second edition 1991, Third Edition 1996.

Ethnoastronomy and Archaeoastronomy in the American Tropics (Editor) with G. Urton, 1982. Ann. NY Acad. Sci., Vol. 385.

Archaeoastronomy in the New World (Editor), 1982. Cambridge University Press.

Calendars in Mesoamerica and Peru. Native Computations of Time (Editor) with G. Brotherston. British Archaeological Reports - International Series, No.174, 1983.

World Archaeoastronomy (Editor). Cambridge University Press, 1988.

The Lines of Nazca (Editor). Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1990

Empires of Time, New York: Basic Books (Harper & Row) 1989; British reissue (I.B. Tauris) 2000; Revised Edition 2002 (University Press of Colorado).

Observadores del Cielo en El Mexico Antiguo, Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 397 pages. (Spanish translation of Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico, updated.) 1991; second edition 1997; revised and updated edition, 2005.

The Sky in Mayan Literature. (NY: Oxford) 400 pages, plus Introduction and contributed article. 1992 

Conversing with the Planets: How Science & Myth Invented the Cosmos. (Times, Random House 1992; Kodansha 1993, Univ. Press of Colorado 2003) 277 pages, Nominated for Pulitzer Prize. 1992. Conversando Com os Planetas, Mercuryo, Lisbon 94 (Portuguese). Also translated into Polish, Korean and Chinese; Revised Edition 2002 (University Press of Colorado).

Rhythmen Des Lebens. Stuttgart Klett-Cotta. (German translation of Empires of Time.) 1992 (also translated into polish and Russian).

Ancient Astronomers, Smithsonian, 1993.

"Gli Imperi del Tempo, Calendari, Orologi e Culture" Italian Translation of Empires of Time w/new Preface, 1993, Edizioni Dedalo, Bari.

Behind the Crystal Ball: Magic, Science and the Occult from Antiquity Through the New Age, Times, 1996. (Also translated into Polish, Korean, Russian, British); Revised Edition 2002 (University Press of Colorado).

Stairways to the Stars: Skywatching in Three Great Ancient Cultures, Wiley, 1997.

Between the Lines: The Mystery of the Giant Ground Drawings of Ancient Nasca, Peru, University of Texas Press, 1999.

Nasca: Eighth Wonder of the World, British Museum Press, 2000. (displayed in authors' case of the British Museum).

Skywatchers: A Revised and Updated Version of Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico, University of Texas Press, 2001.

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Culture, Associate Editor, D. Carrasco, Editor in Chief, Oxford University Press, 2001.

The Book of the Year: A Brief History of Our Seasonal Holidays, Oxford University Press, 2002.

The Madrid Codex: New Approaches to Understanding an Ancient Maya Manuscript (ed. with Gabrielle Vail), University Press of Colorado, 2004. 

The First Americans: Where They Came From and Who They Became, Scholastic NY, 2005

Uncommon Sense: Understanding Nature’s Truths Across Time and Culture, University Press of Colorado, 2006

People and the Sky: Our Ancestors and the Cosmos, Thames & Hudson, 2008

Foundations of New World Cultural Astronomy: A Reader with Commentary, (Editor) University Press of Colorado, 2008

The End of Time: The Maya Mystery of 2012, University Press of Colorado, 2009

Circling the Square: How the Conquest Altered the Shape of Time in Mesoamerica. American Philosophical Society, 2013

Buried Beneath Us: Discovering the Ancient Cities of the Americas, Roaring Brook Press, 2013

Class Not Dismissed: Reflections on Undergraduate Education and Teaching in the Liberal Arts, University Press of Colorado, 2014

The Measure and Meaning of Time in Mesoamerica and the Andes, Washington: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 2015 

Apocalyptic Anxiety: Religion, Science, and America’s Obsession with the End of the World, University Press of Colorado, 2016 

In the Shadow of the Moon: The Science, Magic, and Mystery of Solar Eclipses, Yale University Press, 2017

Star Stories: Constellations and People, Yale University Press, 2019

Creation Stories, Landscapes and the Human Imagination, Yale University Press, 2021


"Middle Devonian Lunar Month" Science 151, 1221-2, 1966.

"The Effect of Emission Upon the B-B Colors of T Tauri Objects", Astrophys. J. 144, 666, 1966 (Dissertation).

Catalog of Emission Lines in Astrophysical Objects (with A.B. Meinel and M.W. Stockton), University of Arizona Press, 1968.

"Observational Studies Relating to Star Formation I" (with J.H. Hunter), Astron. J. 72, 1019, 1968.

"Observational Studies Relating to Star Formation II" (with J.H. Hunter), Astron. J. 74, 1021, 1968.

"Observational Studies Relating to Star Formation III" (with J.H. Hunter), Astron. J. 77, 17-23, 1972.

"Astronomical Tables Designed for Use in Astroarchaeology" American Antiquity 37, 531-540, 1972.

"Monte Alban, Mound J: Possible Astronomical Orientation" (with R.M. Linsley), American Antiquity 37, 528-530, 1972.

"The Caracol of Chichén Itzá, an Ancient Astronomical Observatory" (with S.L. Gibbs and H. Hartung), Science 188, 977-985, 1975 (COVER).

"Possible Astronomical Orientations in Ancient Mesoamerica" in Archaeoastronomy in Pre- Columbian America (ed. A. Aveni), Austin, U. of Texas Press, 1975.

"Investigacion preliminar de las orientaciones astronomicas de Copan" with H. Hartung), Yaxkin, vol. I, no. 3, pp.8-13, 1976.

"On the Orientation of Pre-Columbian Buildings in Central Mexico" (with S.L. Gibbs), American Antiquity 41, pp.510-517, 1976.

"Concepts of Positional Astronomy Employed in Ancient Mesoamerican Architecture" in Native American Astronomy (ed. A. Aveni), Austin: U. of Texas Press, pp.3-20, 1977.

Introduction, Native American Astronomy (ed. A. Aveni), Austin: U. of Texas Press, 1977. "Three Round Towers in the Yucatan Peninsula", Interciencia 3: 136-143, 1978. 

"Astronomy in Ancient Mesoamerica" in In Search of Ancient Astronomies (ed. E. Krupp), NY: Doubleday, pp.165-202, 1978.

(American Association for the Advancement of Science Book-of-the-Year, 1978. British Edition 1980: German Edition, C.H. Beck'sche Verlag, pp.169-202, 1980, Also McGraw Hill Paperback.)

A Selected Bibliography on Native American Astronomy (with B.A. Collea), Colgate University, 1978. Addendum with M. Wyzga, 1981.

Introduction, Crystals in the Sky: An Odyssey into Chumash Astronomy and Cosmology by T. Hudson and E. Underhay, Socorro, NM: Balena Press, 1978.

"Old-New World Naked Eye Astronomy" Technology Review 81, 60-73, 1978 (COVER).

"The Cross Petroglyph: An Ancient Mesoamerican Astronomical/ Calendrical Symbol" (with H. Hartung), Indiana 6, 37-54, 1979.

"The Pecked Cross Symbol in Ancient Mesoamerica" (with H. Hartung and B. Buckingham), Science 202, 267-279, 1978 (COVER).

"Some Hypotheses about Building Orientation at Palenque" (with H. Hartung), Tercera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Vol. IV (ed. Merle Greene Robertson), Monterey, CA: Herald, pp.173-178, 1979. (Spanish Translation: "Sugerencias sobre la disposicion de los Edificios de Palenque", Govt. of Chiapas Publication.)

"Los observatorios astronomicos en Chichén Itzá, Mayapan, y Paalmul" (with H. Hartung), Boletin Escuela Ciencias y Antropologia de la Univ. de Yucatan 6, No.32, 2-13, 1979 (COVER).

"Venus and the Maya" American Scientist 67, 274-285, 1979. (Spanish Translation: Correo de los Andes, Tomo I, Bogota.)

"Astronomische observatorien im noerdlichen Maya-Bebeit" (with H. Hartung), Sterne und Weltraum 18, 196-201, 1979 (COVER).

"Old-New World Naked Eye Astronomy" in Astronomy of the Ancients (ed. K. Brecher), Cambridge, MIT Press, pp.61-90, 1979. 

"The Observation of the Sun at the Time of Passage through the Zenith in Mesoamerica" (with H. Hartung), Archaeoast. Suppl. to Journal for History of Astronomy 12 (No.3), S51-S70, 1980 (COVER).

"Tropical Archaeoastronomy" Science 213, 161-171, 1981 (COVER). "Tropical Archaeoastronomy" Newsletter Ast. Soc. N.Y. 1, No.10, 5-22, 1981.

"Archaeoastronomy in the Maya Region: A Review of the Past Decade" Archaeoastronomy: J.H.A. Suppl. 12 (No.3), S1-S16, 1981.

"Archaeoastronomy", Adv. Arch'l Meth. & Theory 4: 1-77, 1981.

"Horizon Astronomy in Incaic Cuzco" in Archaeoastronomy in the Americas, (ed. R. Williamson), Los Altos, CA: Ballena Press, pp. 305-318, 1982. (Short version in Lateinamerika Studien 10, 185- 193, 1982.

"Archaeoastronomy Today" in Archaeoastronomy in the Americas (ed. R. Williamson), Los Altos, CA: Ballena Press, pp.25-28, 1982.

Introduction, Ethnoastronomy and Archaeoastronomy in the American Tropics (eds. A. Aveni and G. Urton), NY: New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 385, 1982.

Introduction, Archaeoastronomy in the New World (ed. A. Aveni), Cambridge University Press, pp. vii-ix, 1982.

"Archaeoastronomy in the Maya Region -- A Review of the Past Decade" in Archaeoastronomy in the New World (ed. A. Aveni), Cambridge University Press, pp.1-30, 1982.

"The 2 Cib 14 Mol Event in the Palenque Inscriptions" (with D. Dutting and M. Schramm), Max Planck Inst., Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie 107: 233-258, 1983.

"Alta Vista, Mesoamerican Outpost at the Tropic of Cancer: The Astronomical Implications" (with H. Hartung and J.C. Kelley), American Antiquity 47, 316, 1982.
(Spanish version: Interciencia 7, 200-210.)

"L'astronomie Maya" (French), La Recherche (Paris) 13, 516-582, 1982. 

"El Palacio del Gobernador en Uxmal: Su trazo orientacion y referencia astronomica" Bol. de la Escuela Ciencias Antropologicas de la Univ. de Yucatan (Merida) 9, No.52, pp.3-11, 1982 (with H. Hartung) (COVER).

"New Observations of the Pecked Cross Petroglyph" (with H. Hartung) (Paper read at XLIII I.C.A., Vancouver Meeting, 1979 August) (Lateinamerika Studien (Stuttgart) 10, 25-42, 1982).

"Space and Time in the Cosmovision of Mesoamerica -- An Overview", Invited Summary of Session on Cosmovision at XLIII I.C.A., Vancouver Meeting, 1979 August (Lateinamerika Studien (Stuttgart) 10, 11-14, 1982).

"Why I Teach?" CASE Currents 8, No.8, 12-15, 1982.

"Astronomical Orientations at the Fatherland Site" in The Grand Village of Natchez Revisited by R.S. Neitzel, Mississippi Dept. of Archives & Histor. Archaeol. Report No.12, p.176).

"The View from the Tropics" in Archaeoast. & the Roots of Science, ed. E. Krupp, AAAS Selected Symposium #71, Boulder, Westview, 1984.

"Archaeoastronomical Fieldwork on the Coast of Peru" (with G. Urton), British Archaeological Reports International Series #174, pp.221-234, 1983.

"The Planet Venus and the Temple of Venus (Temple 22) at Copan" (with M. Closs and B. Crowley) Indiana 9: 221-247, 1984 (Berlin).

"Native American Astronomy" Physics Today 37: 24-32, 1984.

(Spanish Translation: "Arqueoastronomia: Una Nueva Disciplina", Ciencia y Desarrollo No.58, Ano 10, pp.110-118, 1984.

"Las Cruces Punteadas en Mesoamerica: Version Actualizada", with H. Hartung, Cuadernos de Arqt. Mex., No.4, pp. 3-13, 1985.

"The Unwritten Calendar" in The World & I, No.7, pp. 198-205, 1986.

"The Nazca Lines: Patterns in the Desert" in Archaeology 39 : 32-39, 1986. "Archaeoastronomy: Past, Present & Future" in Sky & Telescope 72(5): 456-460, 1986.

"Some Parallels in the Development of Maya and Roman Calendars" Interciencia 12: 108-115, 1987. 

"Non-Western Notational Frameworks & the Role of Anthropology in Re-Defining Literacy" in Toward a New Understanding of Literacy, edited by M. Wrolstad & D. Fisher, Praeger Press, pp. 252-280, 1983.

"Maya City Planning & the Calendar" (with H. Hartung), Trans. Am. Phil Soc., Vol. 76, Part 7, 87 pps., 1986.

"Archaeoastronomical Research in Veneto-Friuli, Italy (with G. Romano), Archaeoastronomy Bulletin xvii: 23-31, 1986.

"Astronomy Observations of Five Megalithic Tombs at Madau, near Fohni in Sardinia" (with E. Proverbio and E. Romano), Archaeoastronomy JHA 18 S55-S65, 1987.

"Possible Astronomical References in the Urbanistic Design of Alatri, Lazio, Italy" (tr. Fr. D. Capone). Archaeoast. Bull., 8 (No.1): 12-15, 1987.

"Archaeoastronomy in the SW U.S.: A Neighbor's Eye View", in Astronomy & Ceremony in the Prehistoric SW, edited by J.B. Carlson & W.J. Judge, Albuquerque: Papers of the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, No.2, pp. 9-23, 1987.

"Some Parallels in the Development of Maya and Roman Calendars", Interciencia 12 (No.3): 108- 115, 1987.

"The Thom Paradigm in the Americas: The Case of the Cross-Circle Designs", in Records in Stone: Papers in Memory of Alexander Thom, edited by C.L.N. Ruggles, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.442-472, 1987.

"L'Archaeoastronomia: Scopi, Ricerche, Risultati", Giornale di Astronomia 1-2: pp.15-18, 1987.

"Whither Archaeoastronomy?", In World Archaeoastronomy, Ed. A. Aveni, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 3-12, 1988.

Preface, World Archaeoastronomy. Ed. A. Aveni. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.xi- xiii, 1988.

"Uaxactun, Guatemala, Group E & Similar Assemblages: An Archaeoastronomical Reconsideration", in World Archaeoastronomy, Ed. A. Aveni, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. 

"Myth, Environment, & the Orientation of the Templo Mayor", American Antiquity 53 (2), 287- 309, 1988.

"Astronomical Orientations of Five Megalithic Tombs at Madau, Near Fonni in Sardinia", Suppl. Jour. Hist. Ast. No.11, Suppl. to Vol.181, pp.S35-S65 (with G. Romano and E. Proverbio).

"Archaeoastronomy and Its Components" in Transformations of Myth through Time, ed. D. Eisenberg et al (NY: Harcourt Brace), pp 108-111, 1990.

"Pecked Cross Petroglyphs at Xihuingo", Archast Suppl JHA No. 14, Suppl to Vol 20, pp S74- S115, 1989.

"Order in the Nazca Lines" in The Lines of Nazca, ed. A. Aveni (Phila: Am Phil Soc), pp 41-113, 1990.

"An Assessment of Previous Studies of the Nazca Lines" in The Lines of Nazca, ed. A. Aveni (Phila: Am Phil Soc), pp 1-40, 1990.

Preface and Introduction in The Lines of Nazca, pp i-vi.

Epilogue in The Lines of Nazca, pp 286-290.

The Role of Astronomical Orientation in the Delineation of World View: A Center & Periphery Model" in The Imagination of Matter: Aztec Cosmology & World View, ed. D. Carrasco (Oxford: BAR), pp 85-102, 1989.

"Archaeoastronomy & the Puuc Sites" in Arqueoastronomia y Etnoastromia en Mesoamerica, ed. J. Broda, Mexico: UNAM, pp 65-95, 1991.

"Evolution of the Maya Solar Orientation Calendar" in Colloquio Internazionale Archeologia e Astronomia, Venezia (Italy), 3-6 Mag. 1989. Suppl. No. 9 alla Revista di Archeologia, M. Fano Santi, ed., Roma G. Bretschneider, pp 15-22, 1991.

"Astronomical Orientations of Monte d'Accoddi" (Sassari, Sardinia), with E. Proverbio & G. Romano, ibid, pp 38-41, 1991.

"Astronomical Orientation of Tombe dei Giganti" (with E. Proverbio and G. Romano) ibid, pp 52- 59, 1991. 

"Las Lineas de Nazca: Una Nueva Sintesis de datos de la Pampa y los Valles", with H. Silverman, Revista Andina (Peru) 9(2), pp 367-392, 1991.

"Observaciones Sobre el Planeamiento de Teotihuacan: El Punto Llamado Trazo Cuadricular y las Orientaciones a los Puntos Cardinales" with H. Hartung (Mexico), Cuadernos de Arquitectura Mesoamerica, No. 13, pp 23-26, 1991.

"Observaciones Sobre el Planemiento de Teotihuacán: El Lllamado Trazo Cuadricular y las Orientaciónes a los Puntos Cardinales" (w/ H. Hartung), Cuadernos de Arquitectura Mesoamericama 13: 23-26, 1991.

"Somebody Else's Cosmology" in Mysteries of Life in the Universe, ed. W.H. Shore, NY: Harcourt Brace, pp 17-23, 1992.

"Pre-Columbian Images of Time: in The Ancient Americas: Art from Sacred Landscapes, ed. R. Townsend, Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, pp 49-69, 1992.

"Mystery on the Desert: The Lines of Nazca" in Mysteries of Mankind, ed. G. Stuart, Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, pp 134-155, 1992.

"Moctezuma's Sky: Aztec Astronomy & Ritual" in Moctezuma's Mexico: Visions of the Aztec World, ed. D. Carrasco & E. Matos Moctezuma, Niwot, U. Press of Colorado, pp 149-158, 1992.

"The Technical Background for Archaeoastronomical Field Studies" with H. Hartung, Cuadernos de Arquitectura Mesoamericana, 19, pp 53-58, 1992.

"Semblanza de Horst Hartung", Cuadernos de Arquitectura Mesoamericana, 19, pp 88-89, 1992. "Marking Time" in The Sky in Mayan Literature, ed. A. Aveni, Oxford: O.U.P., pp 3-17, 1992.

"The Moon and the Venus Table: An Example of Commenseuration in the Maya Calendar: in The Sky in Mayan Literature, ed. A. Aveni, Oxford: O.U.P., pp 87-101, 1992.

"Nobody Asked but I Couldn't Resist: A Response to Keith Kintigh on Archaeoastronomy and Archaeology", Archast & Ethnoast News, #6, pp 1-4, 1992.

"On Seeing the Light: A Reply to Here Comes the Sun by Dearborn & Schreiber", Archaeoastronomy X 22-24 1987-8 (1992).

"Mediators in a Universal Discourse", Archaeology, July-August, p 31, 1993. 

"Archaeoastronomy in the Americas Since Oxford 2 in Archaeoastronomy i 1990's ed., C.L.N. Ruggles, Loughborough, UK, Group D Publ., pp 15-32, 1993.

"At the Crossroads of Astronomy and Archaeology: An Appraisal of Baudez/ Appraisal of Archaeoastronomy at Copn (and elsewhere)" with M. Closs and H. Hartung, Archast. XI: 108-113, 1993.

"The Colgate Cuzco Ceque Symposium", with D. Dearborn Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy News 8, p.2, 1993.

"Horst Hartung (1919-1990)", Eulogy, Archast. X1: 16-17, 1993.

"Meaning in Native American Astronomy Texts" in Transforming Texts: Classical Images in New Contexts, ed. R. Metzger, Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell U Press; London & Toronto Associated U Press pp. 41-53, 1993.

"Orientation and Etruscan Ritual," 74 pp. to Antiquity (accepted Oct. 1, 1993).

"An Appraisal of Baudez' Appraisal of Archaeoastronomy at Copan (and Elsewhere)" Indiana 13, Berlin, pp. 87-95, 1993.

"Archaeoastronomy" in Encyclopedia of Time ed. S1 Macey, NY: Garland pp. 26-35, 1994.

"Monumental Inscriptions and the Observational Basis of Mayan Planetary Astronomy," co- authored with Lorren Hotaling, 35pp. to Archaeoastronomy no. 19 Journal for the History of Astronomy XXV S21-54, 1994.

"Archaeoastronomical Work in the Canary Islands" (with J. Cuenca) El Museo Canario 49:29-51, 1994.

"Orientazioni di Templi Etruschi" (with G. Romano) Rivista di Archeologia 18:57-69, 1994. "Emissaries to the Stars: The Astronomers of Ancient Maya", Mercury 24:15-18, 1995.

"Frombork 1992: Where Worlds and Disciplines Collide" Review of Time and Astronomy at the Meeting of Two Worlds Archaeoastronomy No. 20 (JHA XXV): S74-S79, 1995.

"The Maya Number of Time: Intervalic Time Reckoning in the Maya Codices, Part 1" (with P. Peterson, Colgate '94 and S. Morandi, Colgate '93) Archaeoastronomy No. 20 (JHA XXV): 1-54, 1995. 

"The Maya Number of Time: Intervalic Time Reckoning in the Maya Codices, Part 2" (with P. Peterson, Colgate '94 and S. Morandi, Colgate '93) Archaeoastronomy No. 21 (JHA XXV): S1-32, 1995.

“A Stairway to the Stars” Astronomy 25 (11): 92-97, 1996.

“Eros in the Sky: Celestial Metaphors on the Love Theme - With Variations” in Kulturen des Eros: Herausgegeben von Detlev Clemens und Tilo Schabert, Munich, pp. 103-134, 1996.

“Astronomical references in the throne inscription of the Palace of the Governor at Uxmal” Cambridge Archaeological Journal, v. 6, Oct. 1996:191-229.

Structure, Knowledge and Representation in the Andes Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society 24 No. 1-2, pp. 157-172, 1996.

“Nazca” an entry in Dictionary of Art v. 22, pp. 706-9 NY: Grove, 1996.

“Astronomy in the Americas” in The Oxford Companion to Archaeology ed. (Fagan, B., C. Beck, G. Michaels, C. Scarre, N. Silberman NY: Oxford University Press, p. 66-69, 1996.

“Dialog with the Firmament” Archaeology 51: 39-42, 1998.

(with J. Mizrachi) “The Geometry and Astronomy of Rujm-el-Hiri, a Megalithic Site in the Southern Levant” Journal of Field Archaeology 25(4): 475-496, 1998.

“The Star of Bethlehem” Archaeology 51: 34-38, 1998.

“Time” in Critical terms for Religious Studies ed. M. Taylor, U. Chicago Press, pp. 314-333, 1998.

“Astronomy in the Mexican Codex Borgia”. “Archaeoastronomy: Supplement to the Journal for the History of Astronomy” 24(Supplement to Vol. 30): S1-S20, 1999. 

(with Edward Calnek) “Astronomical Considerations in the Aztec Expression of History: Eclipse Data” Ancient Mesoamerica 10:87-98, 1999.

“In Search of the Star of Bethlehem” Catholic Digest (December), pp. 6-10, 1999.

“Mesoamerican and Andean Timekeeping and Calendars” in The Story of Time, ed. K. Lippincott, London: Merrell and Holberton, pp. 52-56, 1999. 

“Theorien zu den Nasca-Linien” Exhibition Catalog of “Nasca”, ed. J. Rickenbach, Museum Reitberg, Zurich, pp. 109-142, 1999.

“Y0K, Y0K, Y0K” A forum endpaper in Archaeology, Nov-Dec, p. 92, 1999. “How People Mark Time” dig, Dec-Jan, pp.29-31 (a magazine for children), 2000.

“Out of Teotihuacan: Origin of the Celestial Canon in Mesoamerica” in Mesoamerica’s Classical Heritage: From Teotihuacan to the Aztecs, ed. D. Carrasco et al, Niwot: University Press of Colorado, pp. 253-268, 2000.

“Solving the Mystery of the Nasca Lines” Archaeology 53(3): 26-35, 2000.

“Temple Orientations in Magna Graecia and Sicily” (with G. Romano) Archaeoastronomy 25 (JHA xxxi)pp. S51-S57, 2000.

“Tiempo, Astronomía y Ciudadlea del México Antiguo” Arqueología Mexicana, VII (41):22-25, 2000.

“Top 10 Skeptics List Generates Controversy” Skeptical Inquirer (May- June), p. 62, 2000.

“Venus isn’t a Supernova” Sky and Telescope (April), p.12, 2000.

"Ancient Maya Documents Concerning the Movement of Mars" with V. & H. Bricker, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98(4):2107-10, 2001 (This paper was highlighted in Science News)

“Early Greek Astronomy in the Oral Tradition and the Search for Archaeological Correlates”, Journal of Astronomy in Culture xvi:83-97, 2001. (This publication was issued in 2002-3 and was also peer reviewed).

"Eros am Himmel: Astronomische Metaphern des Liebesthemas" (German). In (ed. Detlev Clemens, Tilo Schabert, Hrsg) Kulturen des Eros, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Munchen, pp. 103-134, 2001.

"Is Harmony at the Heart of Things?" (all about math, music and calendars) Wilson Quarterly, Winter 2001: 54-65. Cited as one among some 100 essays in the book Best American Essays, edited by Stephen Jay Gould and Robert Atwan, 2002. 

"La Scienza Nel Mondo Precolumbiano"(Italian). In Storia della Scienza, Vol 2, Section III, pp. 953-960, Rome, 2001. (served as editor of this section of the multi volume encyclopedia which will be translated into French, English and other languages).

"Other Stars than Ours" (a piece on ancient Aztec skywatching), Natural History 110(3):66-72, 2001. (Cover Article)

"Solving the Mystery of the Nasca Lines" Archaeology 01/02, Annual Editions, NY: McGraw Hill: 77-83, 2001.

"Time, Number and History in the Maya World" Kronoscope 1, Journal for the Study of Time, 2001 (Journal of the International Society for the Study of Time).

"Water, Mountain, Sky: The Evolution of Site Orientations in Southeastern Mesoamerica" Precious Greenstone, Precious Feather: In Chalchihuitl in Quetzalli Mesoamerican Studies in Honor of Doris Heyden ed. E. Quiñones Keber, Lancaster, CA: Labyrintos: 55-65, 2001.

"Reaching for the Stars: Linda Schele's Contributions in Maya Astronomy", Heart of Creation, The Mesoamerican World and the Legacy of Linda Schele, edited by Andrea Stone, University of Alabama Press, pp. 13-20, 2002.

“Archaeoastronomy in the Ancient Americas” , Journal of Archaeological Research 11(2):149- 191, 2003.

“Maya Calendar Reform? Evidence from Orientations of Specialized Architectural Assemblages” , Latin American Antiquity 14(2): 159-178, 2003.

“Präkolumbiancshe Zeitvorstellung”, Das Ordnen der Zeit ed. T. Schabert and M. Riedl (Konigghausen and Neumann): pp. 75-02, 2003.

“Seeking the Sidereal: Observable Planetary Stations and the Maya Record” Journal for the History of Astronomy 34(2):145-161 (with V. and H. Bricker), 2003.

“Research Methodologies and New Approaches to Interpreting the Madrid Codex” in The Madrid Codex: New Approaches to Understanding an Ancient Maya Manuscript, ed. Gabrielle Vail and Anthony Aveni. Boulder: University Press of Colorado, pp. 1-29, 2004.

“Maya Calendars and Dates: Interpreting the Calendrical Structure of Maya Almanacs” in The Madrid Codex: New Approaches to Understanding an Ancient Maya Manuscript, ed. Gabrielle Vail and Anthony Aveni. Boulder: University Press of Colorado, pp. 131-146, 2004. 

“Intervallic Structure and Cognate Almanacs in the Madrid and Dresden Codices” in The Madrid Codex: New Approaches to Understanding an Ancient Maya Manuscript, ed. Gabrielle Vail and Anthony Aveni. Boulder: University Press of Colorado, pp. 147-170, 2004.

“Chichen Itza’s Legacy in the Astronomically Oriented Architecture of Mayapán” RES 45: 123- 143 (with Susan Milbrath and Carlos Peraza), 2004.

“Zapotec Astronomy: Reconsideration of an Earlier Study”Journal of Astronomy in Culture XVIII: 26-31, 2004.

Astrology and Astronomy” in The Seventy Great Inventions of the Ancient World (ed. B. Fagan), London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 235-237, 2004.

“Calendars and the Measurement of Time” inThe Seventy Great Inventions of the Ancient World (ed. B. Fagan), London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 239-242, 2004.

“Wheel of Time” in Premier (Conde Nast/Euro) Autumn, pp. 24-21, 2004.

“The Star of Bethlehem” in Secrets of the Bible Heatherleigh, NY, pp. 66-70, 2004.

“Dialog with the Firmament” in Secrets of the Bible Heatherleigh, NY, pp. 71-75, 2004.

“Observations on the Pecked Designs and Other Figures Carved on the South Platform of the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan” Journal for the History of Astronomy XXXVI: 31-47, 2005.

“The Sky in Mayan Literature: Recognizing the Contributions of Victoria and Harvey Bricker” in Human Mosaic 36, pp. 12-21, 2005.

“How Was The Tyme Appointed?” in Colonial Williamsburg, Autumn, pp. 27-32, 2005.

“An Assessment of Studies in Hopewell Astronomy” in The Fort Ancient Earthworks: Prehist. Lifeways of the Hopewell Culture in SW Ohio ed. R.P. Connolly and B. Lepper Columbus: OHS, pp. 243-57, 2005.

“Sky Myths & Symbolism” in Encyclopedia of Religion (2nd ed.) ed. L. Jones. NY: Macmillian, 2005.

“Astronomers and Stargazers” Colonial Williamsburg, Winter 2006: 56-61. 

“Evidence and Intentionality: On Method in Archaeoastronomy”, in Viewing the Sky Through Past and Present Cultures (Proceedings of the Oxford VII conference on archaeoastronomy), ed. T. Bostwick, and B. Bates. Phoenix: City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department, pp. 57- 70, 2006.

“Schaefer’s Rigid Ethnocentric Criteria”, in Viewing the Sky Through Past and Present Cultures, ed. T. Bostick, and B. Bates. Phoenix: City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department, pp. 79-83, 2006.

“Nasca Desert Markings”, in Nasca Wonder of the World, Messages Etched on the Desert Floor, ed. I. Shimada, Tokyo: TBS (Japanese) (an exhibition catalog for the Tokyo Museum), pp. 155- 164, 2006.

“The Templo Mayor in Sacred Space” In Arqueologia e Historia del Centro de Mexico ed. L. Lopez, D. Carrasco, & L. Cue. Mexico, Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, pp 305- 315, 2006.

“Astronomy in Pre-Columbian & Latin America.” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas ed. M. Cline Horowitz. NY, Gale Group, 2006.

“Once Around the Colonial Seasons” Colonial Williamsburg 28 (5), pp 20-26, 2006.

“The Petroglyphs of Palpa, Peru: Documentation, Analysis, & Interpretation” Journal of Field Archeology 31, pp 333-336, 2006.

“How was the Tyme Appointed?” In 1607 Jamestown & the New World., ed. D. Montgomery. Williamsburg, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, pp 178-184, 2007.

“Calendar, Chronology and Cosmology in the Mapa de Cuauhtinchan No. 2”. In Cave City, and Eagle’s Nest: An Interpretive Journey through the Mapa De Cuauhtinchan No. 2, ed D. Carrasco and S. Sessions, Albuquerque, University of N. Mexico Press, pp. 147-158, 2007.

“Bringing the Sky Down to Earth” History Today. June, pp 14-21, 2008.

“The Noble Savage Then and Now” Colonial Williamsburg 30(3): 26-31, 2008.

“An Artists Intuition (Review of Proust Was a Neuroscientist)” Wilson Quarterly Winter 2008, pp. 103-4.

“Preface” in Foundations of New World Cultural Astronomy: A Reader with Commentary. ed. A. Aveni. Boulder University Press of Colorado, pp xi-xii, 2008. 

“The Unwritten Record” in Foundations of New World Cultural Astronomy: A Reader with Commentary. ed. A. Aveni. Boulder University Press of Colorado, pp 1-11, 2008.

“Establishing a Method and a Paradigm” in Foundations of New World Cultural Astronomy: A Reader with Commentary. ed. A. Aveni. Boulder University Press of Colorado, pp 13-18, 2008.

“Acquiring Cultural Context” in Foundations of New World Cultural Astronomy: A Reader with Commentary. ed. A. Aveni. Boulder University Press of Colorado, pp 71-76, 2008.

“The Role of Ethnoastronomy” in Foundations of New World Cultural Astronomy: A Reader with Commentary. ed. A. Aveni. Boulder University Press of Colorado, pp 395-398, 2008.

“The Classic Maya: A Testing Ground for Precise Astronomy in the Written Record” in Foundations of New World Cultural Astronomy: A Reader with Commentary. ed. A. Aveni. Boulder University Press of Colorado, pp 503-508, 2008.

“Cultural Astronomy’s Greatest Mysteries” in Foundations of New World Cultural Astronomy: A Reader with Commentary. ed. A. Aveni. Boulder University Press of Colorado, pp 617-620, 2008.

“The Present and Future of Cultural Astronomy” in Foundations of New World Cultural Astronomy: A Reader with Commentary. ed. A. Aveni. Boulder University Press of Colorado, pp. 721-724, 2008.

“El Codice Madrid: Un Viejo Documento Revela Nuevos Secretos” (with Gabrielle Vail) Arqueologia Mexicana 16 (93), pp 74-81, 2008.

“Celestial Expressions from the Mesoamerican Tropics” in Die Tropen (The Tropics: Views from the Middle of the Globe) German/English. Ed. A Hug, P. Junge, and V. Konig. Berlin: Grathel-Institut, pp 269-277, 2008.

“Calendars, Cosmologies, and the Unwritten Record in Ancient America” in An Enquiring Mind: Studies in Honor of Alexander Marshack, ed. P.G. Bahn, Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 7-24, 2009.

“Cosmology and Cultural Landscape: The Late Postclassic Maya of North Yucatan” in Astronomers, Scribes, and Priests: Intellectual Exchange Between the Northern Maya Lowlands and Highland Mexico in the Late Postclassic Period, ed. G. Vail and C. Hernandez, Washington: Dumbarton Oaks Center for Precolumbian Studies, pp. 115-132, 2010.

“Las Profecías Mayas de 2012” Arquelogía Mexicana 17: 52-57, 2010. 

“The Indian Origins of Lacrosse” Colonial Williamsburg 32(1): 54-60, 2010. “Much Ado About 2-0-1-2” The Colgate International III(1), pp. 26-30, 2010.

“The Measure of Time in Mesoamerica: From Teotihuacan to the Maya” in The Archaeology of Measurement: Comprehending Heaven, Earth, and Time in Ancient Societies, edited by Iain Morley and Colin Renfrew, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, pp. 306-320, 2010.

“Calendario, Cronología y Cosmología el Mapa de Cuauhtinchan, num. 2” in Cueva, ciudad y nido de âguilla: una travesía interpretative por el Mapa de Cuauhtinchan num. 2, ed. D. Carrasco and S. Sessions, Puebla, Mexico: Museo Amparo, pp. 147-158, 2011.

“Maya Numerology” Cambridge Archaeological Journal 21 (2), pp. 187-216, 2011. “Is 2012 the Maya End?” Calliope 21(7), pp. 16-20, 2011.

“Mesoamerican Calendars and Archaeoastronomy” Oxford Handbook, ed. D. Nichols and C. Poole. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (Ch. 59) pp. 787-794 (peer-reviewed), 2012.

“Ancient Maya Astronomical Tables from Xultun, Guatemala” (with W. Saturno, D. Stuart, and F. Rossi. Science 336 (6082): 714-717 (peer-reviewed), 2012.

“Nick at Night: Cosmic Aspects of Topiltzin-Quetzalcoatl” In Fanning the Sacred Flame Mesoamerican Studies in Honor of H.B. Nicholson, ed. M. Boxt and B. Dillon. Boulder: University Press of Colorado, pp. 327-331, 2012.

“Why Maya 2012 Fascinates Us” Expedition (University of Penn Museum) 54(1):7-11, 2012.

“The Indian Origins of Lacrosse” Colonial Williamsburg 32(1), pp. 54-63. 2012.

“On Serendipity and Science” The Colgate Scene (Summer 2012, p. 12).

“Astronomical Implications of Maya Hieroglyphic Notations at Xultun” Journal for the History of Astronomy 44(1), 1-16 (2013).

“Los Vecinos del Preclásico en Xochitécatl y la Institucionalización de la Religion” (with David Carballo) Arqueologia Mexicana 19 (117), 52-57 (2013).

“Why Virginia Wasn’t Spanish” Colonial Williamsburg XXXV (2), 36-43 (2013) (selected for posting on the website)

“Seeing America First” Colonial Williamsburg XXXV (3), 64-71 (2013).

“Deciphering the Handwriting on the Wall: Some Astronomical Interpretations of the Recent Discoveries at Xultun, Guatemala” with V. Bricker and H. Bricker Latin American Antiquity 25(2), pp. 152-169 (2014).

“Alternative Functions of Distance Numbers in Maya Calendrical Texts: Codices and Monuments” PARI Journal 15(1), pp. 11-24 (2014).

“Timely Themes: An Introduction to the Measure and Meaning of Time in Mesoamerica and the Andes”, In A. Aveni (ed.) The Measure and Meaning of Time in Mesoamerica and the Andes. Washington: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, pp. 1-8 (2015).

“Understanding Time, Space, and Social Organization in the Inca Ceque System of Cuzco” In A. Aveni (ed.) The Measure and Meaning of Time in Mesoamerica and the Andes. Washington: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, pp. 105-118 (2015).

“An Overview of the Measure and Meaning of Time in Mesoamerica and the Andes” In A. Aveni (ed.) The Measure and Meaning of Time in Mesoamerica and the Andes. Washington: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, pp. 289-296 (2015).

“Colonial Superstitions” Colonial Williamsburg Journal 37(1), pp. 46-50 (2015).

“Maya Books and Buildings at Baktun’s End” In Cosmology, Calendars, and Horizon-Based Astronomy in Ancient Mesoamerica, ed. A. Dowd and S. Milbrath. University Press of Colorado, pp. 353-362 (2015). 

Selected Notes, Abstracts, and Reviews

"Note on the Construction of a Cross-Staff from a Meter Stick", American Journal of Physics 33, 165, 1965.

"The BM Andromedae Complex: An Example of Star Formation in an Isolated Region" (with J.H. Hunter), Astron. J. 73, S86, 1968 (abs.).

"Isolated Star Formation", Invited Paper at the 16th International Colloquium on Astrophysics at the University of Liege, Belgium, July 1969 (abs.).

"New Results Concerning Isolated Condensations", Paper presented at the 135th Meeting of Am. Ast. Soc., in Bull. A.A.S., University of Massachusetts, 1971 (abs.).

"Archaeoastronomy in Pre-Columbian America" Archaeology 27, 55-57, 1974.

"Star Formation in Isolated Condensations: The Observational Picture", Publ. Fla. Academy of Sciences, 1975.

"Star Wars", The Sciences 17, pp.25-27, 1977 (review).

"A Marshalling of Arguments", Invited Review of Scientists Confront Velikovsky, Science 199, 288-289, 1978.

Invited Comments on "Agreeing to Disagree", Current Anthropology 19 (3), 600, 1978.

"Ancient Vermont" A Review for Archaeoastronomy 2, 19-21, 1979.

Review: Stover & Kraig's Stonehenge: The Indo-European Heritage, to Archaeology, March 1980. Archaeology: 64-65, 1980, July-Aug.

Commentary on "The Lines of Nazca: A New Theory and Approach by G. von Breunig", Interciencia 5, 269, 1980.

"America B.C., Saga America, and the Search for Lost America" (Review), Archaeoastronomy Bull. 3, 34-36, 1981.

"Note on the Orientation of Buildings at Various Sties on the Coast of Peru", Willay No.8, 1981, Princeton U. Newsletter (with G. Urton).

Invited Commentary on Ellegard's "Stone Age Science in Britain", Current Anthropology 22, 114, 1981. 

Reply to Rowe's Comments on "Archaeoastronomy in Mesoamerica and Peru", Latin America Research Review 16 (3), 163-166, 1981.

"Archaeoastronomy" Entry in World Book Encyclopedia (Childcraft: Chicago).

Review: At the Crossroads of the Earth and the Sky: Andean Cosmology, 1982 Archaeology (July- August, pp.75-81).

"Get Off Your Kid's Back", Newsweek (On Campus), Nov. 7, 1982.

Review: Archaeoastronomy in the Old World, American Scientist 71, 188, 1983.

"Note on the Discovery of Two Pecked Cross Petroglyphs in Mexico", Archaeoastronomy Bulletin, Vol. 3: 21-23, 1983 (with H. Hartung).

Comment on "Maya Prediction of Eclipses" by Bricker & Bricker, Current Anthropology 24, 18-19, 1983.

Review: "Is There an American Stonehenge?" Archaeology 37, No.4, pp.79-81, 1984.

Review: “Echoes of the Ancient Skies” Sky & Telescope 67, pp.234-237, 1984.

Review: “Echoes of the Ancient Skies”, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 1984.

Review: “Echoes of the Ancient Skies” Archaeology 37, No.3, p.67, 1984.

Review: “When Stars Came Down to Earth”, Am. Ethnologist 10: 610-611, 1984.

Comments on Roberta Hall's "Classroom Climate: Tip of the Iceberg", Invited, To Am. Assoc. of Higher Education Bulletin.

Review: “Stonehenge Complete”, Icarus, 1984.

Review: Mindsteps to the Cosmos, Am. Scientist, 1984

Remarks to Panel on the State of the Art in Ethnoastronomical Studies in the Americas, In Proc. Conf. Ethnoast. in the Americas, Smithsonian Press, 1984

Comments on Chuta: El espacio de la practica social en Pacariqtambo, Peru. In Revista Andina (Peru) 2, No.1, pp.48-50, 1984. 

Commentary of the Chaco Phenomena Conference in Proc. Chaco Phenomena, 1984.

Review: D.E. Ibarra Grasso's "Ciencia Astronoma y Sociologica Incaica, Historia Boliviana III/2, 316-318, 1984.

Film Review: "The Sun Dagger", by Michael Bober, Archaeology 38, No.2, p.72, 1985.

Invited Commentary: "A Note on the Pecked Cross Symbol by Ruggles and Saunders" to Archaeaoastronomy, Supplement to the J.H.A., 1985.

Review of Time & the Highland Maya, by B. Tedlock, Archaeoast. VI: 161-163, 1985.

Review of La Geometrizacion de la Tierra, by A. Lafuente & A. Delgado, for J. Hist. Astr., 1985.

La Geometrazacion de la Tierra: Observaciones y Resultados de la Expedicion Geodesica Hispano- Francesca al Virreinato del Peru (1735-1744), by A. LaFuente & A. Delgado, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Inst. Arnau de Villanosa, Madrid (1984), Journal for the History of Astronomy, xviii, pp.64-65, 1987.

"Back to the Drawing Board", Review of Lines to the Mountain Gods, E. Hadingham and Mystery of the Nazca Lines, T. Morrison, Nature 330, pp.278-279, 1987.

Review of Lines to the Mountain Gods: Nazca & the Mysteries of Peru, by E. Hadingham, Antiquity 61, No.233, 497-499, 1987.

Sherrod and Rolingson's "Surveyors of the Ancient Mississippi Valley", Archast. Suppl JHA, No 14, Suppl. to Vol. 20, pp. S150-2, 1989.

B. Tedlock's Time and the Highland Maya in Times News (SST), U. Colorado: Denver, No. 17, pp. 17-18, 1989.

Essay Review: Time and Calendars in the Inca Empire, by M. Ziolkowski & R. Sadowski, Archaeoastronomy No. 17 JHA xxiii, 1992, pp S68-73.

Book Review: Is Anyone Out There? by F. Drake & D. Sobel, New York Times Review of Books, Sunday, October 11, 1992.

Review: "Orion y la Mujer Pléyades Simbolismo astronomico de los Indios Kaliña de Surinam (Magaña), Jour Amer Folklore 105, pp 111-112, 1992. 

Review: R.D Drake's "Keep Your Ear on the Stars", Is Anyone Out There? New York Times 11,p 18, 1992.

Review: T.D Worthens "The Myth of Replacement", Isis 84: 133, 1993.

Review: Grahame Clark's "Space Time and Man: A Prehistorians View", Isis 95: 18-19, 1993.

Review: Earth and Sky: Visions of the Cosmos in Native American Folklore, Ethnohistory, 40(2) 327-29, 1994.

Review: Time and the Highland Maya by B. Tedlock (2nd ed.) Archaeoastronomy, Supplement to J.H.A. No. 11, Supp. 25, pp. S83-85, 1994.

Review: "Scientific Habits of Mind”, H. Margolis Paradigms and Barriers", American Anthropologist, 96: 15-17, 1994.

Review: Maya Cosmos Am. Anthropology 98(1) pp. 22-4, 1996.

Review: John North's Stonehenge: Neolithic Man and the Cosmos, Nature v. 383, p. 403m, 1996.

Review: Alan Dressler's Voyage to the Great Attractor Exploring Intergalactic Space, Natural History, 1996.

Review: Brian S. Bauer and David S. P. Dearborn's Astronomy and Empire in the Ancient Andes: The Cultural Origins of Inca Sky Watching, for Archaeoastronomy, Supplement to the Journal for the History of Astronomy, 1996.

Review: Vincent H. Malmström's Cycles of the Sun, Mysteries of the Moon: The Calendar in Mesoamerican Civilization, Journal of Anthropological Research, 1996.

Review: Lindsay Jones' Twin City Tales: A Hermenentical Reassessment of Tula and Chichén Itzá. in History of Religions: An International Journal for Comparative Historical Studies American Antiquity, 1996.

Review: V. & H. Brickers' Commentary on the Maya Zodiac in Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 1996.

Review Astronomy and Empire in the Ancient Andes. Journal of Anthropological Review 5L:381-2, 1996.

Review: Stonehenge: “Neolithic Man and the Cosmos,” Nature 1996 383, pp. 403-4, 1996.

Review: Brian S. Bauer and David S.P. Dearborn, Astronomy and Empire in the Ancient Andes: The Cultural Origins of Inca Sky Watching” Austin: University of Texas Press, 208, 1996.

Review Cycles of the Sun, Mysteries of the Moon, by V. Malmström. Journal of Anthropological Search 54:125-7, 1998.

Review: L. Jones’: Twin City Tales. History of Religions, (3): 320-322, 1998.

Review: E. Pasztory’s: Teotihuacan, an Experiment in Living, Colonial Latin American Review, 7(2): 290-292, 1998.

Review: E.C. Krupp’s: Skywatchers, Shamans and Kings, Odyssey, (Sep/Oct): 52, 1999.

Review: Brian Fagan’s From Black Land to the Fifth Sun, Isis, 90(2): 357-8, 1999.

Review: FASTER, by James Gleick” Wilson Quarterly, (Autumn), p. 120, 1999. Review: E.G. Richards Mapping Time, 2001.

Review: S. Milbrath, Star Gods of the Maya. Mesoamerica 43:143-145, 2002.

Review: “Mysteries of the Hopewell” American Anthropologist 105(3) 670, 2003.

Review: “Sticks, Stones and Shadows” Journal of Anthropological Research 58(561), 2003.

Review: P. Rice, “Maya Calendar Origins” Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 13 (2), pp 447-510, 2008.

Review: “Maya Calendar Origins” Journal of Latin American Anthropology 13(2): 1-3, 2008.

Review: E. Lankford, “North American Constellation Myths” Journal for the History of Astronomy 40 (1), pp 124-125, 2009.

Review: Prem, Hanns J. Manual de la Antiguq Cronologia Mexicana” Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 34: 289-290, 2009.

Review: “Ancient Astronomy: An Encyclopedia of Cosmologies and Myth” Archaeoastronomy, the Journal of Astronomy in Culture XXI: 110-112, 2010.

Review: “Maya Daykeeping: Three Calendars from Highland Guatemala” Museum Anthropology 34, pp. 176-178, 2011. 

Review: “Astronomy and Civilization” Journal for the History of Astronomy 42, pp. 421-2, 2011.

Review: “The Power of Stars” Journal for the History of Astronomy, 2011. Review: “Astrology” Time and Mind 3(3), pp. 343-6, 2011.

Review of John E. Staller and Brian Stross, Lightning in the Andes and Mesoamerica: Pre- Columbian, Colonial, and Contemporary Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, 278 pp., in Anthropological Quarterly, Vol. 86, No. 4, pp. 1147-1152. 

“Skyscapes: The Role and Importance of the Sky in Archaeology”  9(2), 169-70, 2016.

“Astronomy and Ceremony in the Prehistoric Southwest Revisited”, 2016.

“Intellectual and Spiritual Expression of Non-Literate Peoples: Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress; Stars and Stones: Voyages in Archaeoastronomy and Cultural Astronomy”  (on-line), 2017.

Review of “Astronomers as Oracular Technicians in the Pre-Columbian Andes” 49(3):393-395, 2018.

Publications: About Me

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